

Wow, That Was Some Finish!

How exciting!A huge congratulations to Malcolm Dickson and the beautiful Sarau taking Line Honours and First Place in the Adventure-Monohull division at 1453 Yesterday in a race time of 10 days, 1 hour, 53 minutes, 50 seconds. This sets the…

The Finishing Line Approaches

The Solo Trans-Tasman Yacht Race history continues as the 14th race nears a winner. The race started in 1970 and is the second-oldest continuously-run single-handed ocean race in the world. It is the only race of its kind in the…

Two Great Sailing Days, Smokin’

Monday evening’s remarks of “Great Sailing, 15kts beam reach” and “Smokin” back up the last two days' race statistics. Spirits are high, distances made good smashed 160nm and speeds crept over 9kts. Tuesday, saw the biggest day of the race…

The Race Over the Weekend….

Great Speeds as First Yacht reaches Half-Way Day 5 Friday saw a building breeze from 17-25 Kts, coming from the right direction to enable our skippers to make progress toward Southport. After five days the first boat crossed the halfway…

Four Septuagenarians Mid-Tasman

Featuring in this 14th Solo Trans-Tasman Yacht race are four septuagenarians, six previous finishers and two brothers. Malcolm Dickson remains at the front of the fleet with Sarau and has enjoyed a couple of lovely evenings mid-tasman. This is Malcolm’s…

From Port to Fourth

72 hours into the Ray White New Plymouth Solo Trans-Tasman Yacht Challenge, it is living up to its name. The six remaining entrants have tracked north over the last 24 hours, most now sailing above the rhumb line trying to…

Three Retire from Challenge

Skippers of the Ray White New Plymouth Solo Trans-Tasman Challenge 2023 The latest news from the skippers…." all is well onboard" They have been sailing through challenging conditions for the last 48 hours with winds up to 45kn. Out in…
SS Fb Sarau1

The first 24-hours!

Wow, what an exciting and interesting start to the Ray White NP Solo Trans-Tasman Yacht Challenge. Malcolm Dickson on Sarau tacked on the start line to be the first to cross. Mister Lucky laid the mark in a single tack, being the first to round. The fleet disappeared quickly over the horizon in 15kn from the NW. As darkness fell Sarau was heading NW with 5 of the fleet following a more westerly direction, converging close together. An IRC dual was occurring between Mister Lucky and Melting Pot.
Allegresse returned to port late afternoon, from 12nm out to resolve an issue onboard. She and Mike Carter headed back out at first light and are making great pace and ground today in a very uncomfortable sea.
Overnight conditions have been busy and challenging with 44kn and a very bumpy sea. Skippers reported all good onboard during this morning’s schedule, if a little wet.
Lucy onboard Nerissa K developed some sail and electronic issues with her chartplotter and AIS late yesterday afternoon. Her sail issues saw her crabbing at 2-3 knots overnight. Lucy has been unsuccessful in resolving the issues in the rough choppy sea and is heading back to port.
Meanwhile back in Port Taranaki, Apriori remains on her mooring suffering autopilot issues during the prestart checks.
Malcolm Dickson and Sarau currently lead the fleet 180nm from the port, doing 6.5kn. Mister Lucky and Mark Hipgrave are leading the IRC division at 165nm with a VMG of 5.9kn

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Frontier arrival 20230315 (WH)

2023 Start Line Arrivals

Alister Dickson -"Frontier" is the first competitor to arrive in Port Taranaki, New Plymouth for the start of the Ray White New Plymouth Solo Trans- Tasman Yacht Challenge 2023. RACE START: 13:00 9 APRIL 2023 Alister Dickson - Frontier Arrival…

New Major Sponsor Announced

Ray White New Plymouth Naming Rights Sponsor for 2023 The Solo Trans-Tasman Yacht Challenge has been an inspirational link between New Zealand and Australia for more than 50 years, so it’s fitting that our new major sponsor also has Trans-Tasman…

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